As we begin to work with you, we will ask you to look at the big picture of your business. This is the big picture of marketing. It gives you an overview of all our objectives in the program. You'll find countless practical, profit-building ideas that you can apply today - many of them involving absolutely no cost! You'll get dozens of down-to-earth, yet powerful lead generation strategies.
Creating a niche is an effective way to develop your business.
The place to start on a 'niche-quest' is to pay close attention to those things you feel strongly about. These opinions are probably the best means of discovering a niche that's right under your nose.
This week’s article we will discuss the motivators to all decisions. This is a very important concept that we must understand as business owners. Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. These are the controlling emotions of our life. A key point to realize here though is that we are not actually motivated by the pain rather the fear of the pain, likewise, we are not motivated by the pleasure rather the desire of the pleasure.