Creating a niche is an effective way to develop your business.
The place to start on a 'niche-quest' is to pay close attention to those things you feel strongly about. These opinions are probably the best means of discovering a niche that's right under your nose.
Most business owners look externally when they need to be listening and observing internally.
The ideal niche for each and every one of you is already in and around you.
Let's get practical.
Begin by considering all the work you've ever done, even before you started your own business and recall those things that really stand out under the headings of Events, People and Projects.
Under each of the headings, write down what you recall and why.
Alongside this, look to the present day and undertake the same exercise. It can help to draw added inspiration from books, magazines, and newspapers, noting what rattles you, what gets you thinking.
Finally, try what I call my 'Starbuck’s conversations' exercise. Imagine a number of discussions going on around you, where the people at the adjoining tables are your 'ideal clients'.
What overheard comments from their discussions elicit from you an 'I could assist with that!' response?
Start paying attention to your thoughts, write them down and before long your niche will become apparent.
This is key to building an effective marketing plan. We believe it is important for you to niche so you can have specialized knowledge for your clients. It will make you more valuable to them. How do you do this?
1. Ask yourself who is your target market.
2. Where are they located?
3. What special needs does this group have?
4. How do you meet this need?
Simple Momentum can help you determine your niche, and then help you build your marketing plan. Call now,
817-915-2374 complimentary Strategy Session (normally valued at $295).