This week’s article we will discuss the motivators to all decisions. This is a very important concept that we must understand as business owners. Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. These are the controlling emotions of our life. A key point to realize here though is that we are not actually motivated by the pain rather the fear of the pain, likewise, we are not motivated by the pleasure rather the desire of the pleasure.
Understanding this important concept will help us to shape and mold our life. I don’t want to oversimplify this, but the simple fact is harnessing our emotions, link them to our desires and we will achieve great things. Vice versa, let our emotions run wild, and others will create our links to pain and pleasure and control our life. Let me ask you a question, why don’t you do some of the things you know you should do?? I mean we all know what we should do in most instances, but we do something different, why?
After all, what is procrastination? Isn’t it a delayed action. An action we know we should do, but we don’t do it until the last possible moment. What changed at the last possible moment to get us to take action. Let’s think back to our school days. Whoever studied for a test at the last possible moment? Whoever wrote a term paper the night before it was due? Who has ever stood in line to mail his/her tax return on April 15, or filed an extension? Why does this happen? The simple answer is the desire to avoid the pain has become so great we take action immediately (finally). Why couldn’t we create that pain earlier to avoid the stress and panic? When we learn to create these emotions ourselves instead of having them inflicted upon us, we can create a life of success and happiness.
What keeps you from expanding your business? What keeps you from hiring that new salesperson? Buying that new piece of equipment? Taking that vacation?
For most people, the fear of loss is much greater than the desire for gain.
So what does all this have to do with you and your clients? Put simply, most people do not harness this power, they actually let others decide for them. By understanding this and our products, we can learn to position them in our customers’ lives. Our clients will use our services or products to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. Which does your product/service fall under?
“Remember, if we link massive pain to any behavior or emotional patterns, we will avoid indulging in it at all costs. We can use this understanding to harness the force of pain and pleasure to change virtually anything in our lives,” according to Anthony Robbins.
This means that if our product helps a client avoid pain, then we need to help a client realize that pain and how we will help them avoid it. Do you think our message will be listened to? Do you think we would sell more of our products or services? Now, let me take a step back here for a moment, I am not promoting we use scare tactics to get our clients because this would only give you short term growth in your business. Rather, I want you to realize where your service/product fit within your client’s world.
Also, if your product/service will bring your client great pleasure, then you need to tap into this emotion. Advertisers have long realized that if enough pleasure can be generated, customers are often willing to overlook the fear of pain.
You need to ask yourself as a business owner, are you tapping into your client’s emotions or not? If you are not, then you have probably stumbled upon a major reason why your business is not where you want it to be, and until you do, it never will be. Why can I say this with such conviction – simple, ALL PURCHASING DECISIONS ARE BASED UPON EMOTIONS.
Although we’d like to believe it’s our intellect that really drives us, in most cases our emotions – the sensations that we link to our thoughts – are what truly drive us.
Anthony Robbins
Now that we know this, what do we do with this? First look at all your marketing, and ask yourself if they are tapping into the emotions of our prospects or not. Second, where does your product/service fit in this spectrum? Third, redesign your pieces and messages to use this understanding. If you are not sure how to do this, BBI would be happy to help you in this area.
Please contact Simple Momentum, at to book your strategy session. One of our qualified consultants will meet with you and work with you to determine where your business is right now, then come back with recommendations and strategies that will help you grow your business.